Thursday, February 16, 2006

4:41 AM <333 ALOT

you are the soundtrack of my summer♥

3:14 AM beep pussy dolll *v*

i saw him.although he looked the same, but somehow it seemed to tell me that he changed.i kind of suspected that it might turn out that way but people change and lives continue. What saddens me is that you see it, but you can't do anything to change it. it's tough to change something that is changed before, because you are scared that it might turn out bad.sigh, guess its part and parcel of life. people walk in a out of your lives, and sometimes you never know how the person becomes a totally different person-worst.

i hope he change.

thanks tingzhi for sending me the link. i <3333>

Beep - Pussy Cat Dolls

*I don't give a...Keep looking at my...'Cause it don't mean a thing if you're looking at my...*

you are the soundtrack of my summer♥