9:08 AM
i lurve my LIANxzxzxzx! haha
crazy neos!!!
(click to enlarge!)
you are the soundtrack of my summer♥
8:09 AM
06ip06 my lurve
To those ppl in 06 hu are reading this post, hope your would also be encouraged: =)
i noe today was quite a horrible day for most of us. i agree with tingzhi: It's so ironic, how one day I can love my class so much and feel that we're so bonded, and then somethings hits and everyone gets upset over it and it seems we all break apart.most of us must have been wondering: why must it happen???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? =( why must the whole situation be so messed up and screwed, in fact confusing? i noe some of us just feel like screaming f*** but God loves you and me.
i know majority of us is pissed coz everyone was seperated except for some ppl that actually pissed quite alot of ppl in class.
i was thinking thru and like realised that God said to love your enemies.I began to realised that hating a person is torturing to your soul and in fact wun solve anything, it's only when you open up maybe a group confession maybe things will turn out better. maybe love will be restored to the once loving 06ip06. =) yea?
i still truely believe that there are still some unbreakable bonds within ip06 and i noe that God will bring 06 thru this period...maybe it's kind of a trial for us and prolly maybe it might strengthen over bondage.after we are all put in the same class.it's no point hating a person in class when knowing you will be with the person for 4 more years, must well forgive and forget.yea it would prolly take courage and pain, but the process is worth while. hahaa right?!
hahs this reminds me one important phrase that the actor said in marlin rouge:
Love is oxygen, it lifts a person up above or things. ^^
LOVE LOVE LOVE...06ip06 =)
hahaa oh wells at least i had an enojyable afternoon out to orchard with my darlingsss =)
i love you!!!! gero*twinsie*aka my armrest,tingzhi*"gay"partner*,huiting*my dodofishball*,samm*gossip pal*,shu jen*ice cream pal*and bee him*"ah lian" pal HHAHAA*
this is so liannn but too alll my 6 little LIANZXZXZXZXZZZZ hahaa:
omg gross...but yes i <33>
to other lurveesss in ip06:
top in list:
*shu jun* you will always be my lazy dim sum...bum bum hahaaa. <3333333
dun forget your date with me next week to sentosa!! *sun tanning babe* =)
the rest in no particular order:
1)liyana *hahaa my humps my humps my humps my humps...hahahhaaa*let's dance babe!
2)amanda *thanks for eeyorrrr...<333*
3)davina *haha my frekaing cute little minxx*
4)cheok *cheeeookk =) you rockkkk!!!*
5)xuemin *here's a llama there's a llama and another fuzzy little llama..llama duck!!hehehe*
6)zhang li *i lurve tokign chinese to you!!haha makes me feel like a cheena biang.and i luv it*
7)stuart *the guy who always punches ppl shoulders xD haha jk jk.i dun have a pea brain =P*
8)eugene *chelsea rocks and foreva will!!!!!!!! :P hardcore man-u fan hahaa!!*
9)anh *tomatoooo facee!! haha =D that turns freaking red when you laugh hehhee*
10)chun meng *hahaa omg your cute blur look on your face =)) weeee*
11)huyy *=) smilingg dudeee!!!thanks for making d effort to try explaining to me some chem stuff*
12)christine *red specss!*
13)jocelyn *blue specs!*
once again...
let's bond like molecules in the solid and vibrate!!!
and bounce!
and shake!
and do the huga-huga-cheer! *dun give me the blank look*
yea!! =)
hui ting, shu jun, tingzhi n me *my lovely foursome*
you are the soundtrack of my summer♥