Saturday, September 16, 2006
6:45 AM wern's weddign rehersal :)dun you luv the 3 jokers! hahahahahhaa
today woke up early to go to nicole's house and managed to catch 963 going to sentosa! hahaha clarice and eliza GOOD JOB in keeping the seats!^^thanks clarice for teahcign me chem on the bus! hhahaha. :) met dorothy at the coffe shop then took bus inside sentosa.
it's so cool that wern's wedding on sentosa beach ^^ so romantic :) considering in having my future wedding there. got dressed in colourful skirts.haha.then the weather was damn hot. so all of us bei da han...llift our skirts up.(we are wearign pants underneath).hahaa then dori was sayign we look obscence. HEHEH xD omg the two little boys incharge of the rings damn cute! electricity attration. x) coz we din bring the tze sang the songs.haha.then lin yi helped us took shots under a nice scenery ^^ hahaha.
then went to the ballroom.practised greatest love.the two little boys were ka-jiaoing me. xP i must say dori is damn good in artistic shots man! :) me n clarice were trying out different pose. :)
the BESSSSSTTT was the buffet! i swear it was gooddd.the soft sheel crab sushi,smoked salmon, malay fried rice..and then the DESSERTS!.hahaa i was super high and hyper, when i saw the chocolate fondue and strawbeerries and marshmallows and the ice cream and cheesecake. haha i nearly died,but got my belt as a "slim wrap" hahaa. wern tried telling his funy kiwi joke again.haha.and tze kept on leaving us in suspense. hahaha next time go buffet i noe i can look for my eating partner, clarice chee! hahaa. :)
went to church.rainign damn heavily.liike sudden change in weather damn fast.
MAG AND SARAH WORE A DRESS!!! x) i tried catching their pics! ^^ yay finally my mei wore a dress,my efforts aren't waste :) tits and mark wanted to cam whore so i was forced to delete some pics haha to take them doing salute pose! haha. :) went dinner with caleb,eunice,michelle,lisa,mark and ian to mcdonalds. sort of tried dieting, went to buy drink from sweettalk.mark had to buy fries, so i started stealing his fries.gosh my cough is really getting bad.i practically start laughing then end up coughing really bad.haha eunice tried saying her name to see if i would cough. xP
haha today was really fun though! can't wait for next sat! wern's actual wedding! goign sentosa early to play around.heh maybe chong for bens and jerry's ice cream.need to get inner material for the white dress for dinner!