syf's over. :(
it's hard to believe it
i remember the psat few 5 months, where school seems to be our home. we would leave the school, watching the stars together, sometimes running for our dear lives to catch the gate before it closes.with each practice, the immense stretching, how from mountains to plateus to grasslands we became, the screaming for pain was good, the HA shouting, the dancing, the bonding, the eating of meiji ice cream and just being with every single ipsyf dancer. it seems that everything seem to come to a standstill. i feels weird. something empty i guess, but the journey was worth it. the reward was silver but with pride. i'm really proud of njwd, juniors, ip2s and seniors (who got gold yay!). that's all i ask for, and the best i could ever deserve.njwd is the reason why i'm in this school living life to the fullest. i breathe,eat,fart dance.
during the annoucement of results, the tension in the room was overpouring, everyone's emoness poured out.even me. and bam, everyone let go. tissue,toilet paper, tears that contain a mixture of feeling of sadness,pride and joy. the hugs and encouragement that gave us the strength to move along. thanks everyone :) although we really look like swollen pufferfish,but went for a nice celebration at Swensens :D ice cream is the best dessert! x)
guess i learn alot from this syf. Determination, courage and to dance like it's your last performance.